Join the exclusive
Dramatic Leverage Newsletter

Every Sunday, I share strategies
that show you how to use
storytelling to grow your business.

Here are 2 things you'll need to know:

  1. Our first step in working together is through a Roadmapping Strategy Session.

  2. I DO NOT give out quotes or estimates without first working through Roadmapping. Without knowing more about your business, what's needed, and how I can help you, it's silly for me to give you a quote that doesn't match what you actually need. Every project starts with Roadmapping.

If you'd like to find out more about Roadmapping, how I work, or have any other questions - fill out the form below.

(Quick Note: Every year I take 2 months off from work - June and December. If you reach out during this time, I will reply once I’m back in the office.)