Bring Your Message to Life
I saw an incredible painting in an art gallery once. It was a painting of 2 men riding on a bus that’s traveling alongside a cliff.
I listened as the artist explained why he choose to create this painting.
Not the actual painting but it’s a close replica of what I saw
"One of the men on the bus is sitting on the side facing the cliff. His only view is of the cliff and the road in front of him. The other man is on the open side. All he sees is a wide open valley where he could possibly plunge to his death.
They’re on the same bus but they’re having two completely different experiences. This is life. Based on your belief system, you choose the experience you want to have."
His last line was very interesting to me - "Based on your belief system, you choose the experience you want to have."
Imagine if the bus driver had spent 10 minutes explaining this to them… “Hey, I’ve been a bus driver for 14 years. I’ve gone up and down this cliff and I’ve never had an accident. I know the exact points where I need to drive really slow and where I can cruise at ease. Trust me, I’ll get you there safely.”
Even if the bus driver had started with this explanation, it wouldn’t help console the man sitting on the open side.
His belief system will only allow him to believe what he can see. And his current belief is that what he’s seeing with his own eyes might lead him to his death.
We, as human beings, are visual creatures. We are influenced by the things we can see. For better or for worse.
Even the words we use tend to communicate visual thoughts.
Think about it, haven’t we seen this play out on social media?
Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn all started with the ability to type words. Then we saw how people started using memes or gifs to describe what they were feeling. Words were not enough to describe their thoughts.
The problem with only using words is that I’m counting on you (the audience) to see exactly what I am seeing in my own head. It’s unlikely for you to fully comprehend what I’m saying without seeing it for yourself.
I can tell you a story verbally or in written form, and you may relate to it, but it’s unlikely for you to truly believe what I’m saying to you. It’s unlikely for you to believe it in such a way that changes the perception you have in your head.
Let me show you a clip from a movie I watched recently.
This is a story you may know well. It’s the story of Doubting Thomas, who doesn’t believe that Jesus has risen from the dead on the 3rd day.
This is the story of Doubting Thomas (aka your prospect)
Did you catch that?
Thomas asks, “What kind of fool do you take me for that I’d believe a story like that without proof?"
And he continues, “Unless I see the nail marks in his hands… I will not believe!”
This is exactly how your prospect feels.
There are so many people running around touting the next BIG thing. Or claiming how great they are and how great their service is. It’s become harder to know who to listen to and who to trust.
Even if you’re telling powerful stories in meetings, in your emails or in your videos, it’s becoming harder and harder to get through all the noise.
So then, what’s the solution to the madness?
Dramatic Demonstration of Proof
The answer to this problem is exactly what Doubting Thomas was trying to get his friends to understand.
He needed visual proof. He needed to see it with his own eyes.
Without proof - visual proof - that your message and your story is real and unique, your audience will hear you but they won’t believe you.
And belief is the currency you want to go after. It’s the only currency that you CAN take to the bank. Because when someone believes you and believes the stories you’re telling, they will line up to buy whatever you have to offer. No questions asked.
I call it the Dramatic Demonstration of Proof.
Take the same story you’re telling me, such as “I believe in challenging the status quo…” and bring it life through visual assets. Like Apple did by doing away with buttons on the cell phone. Or transforming the music industry.
Make them believe what you’re saying.
Think about any large purchase you’ve ever made, such as buying a new car. What’s the first thing that convinced you undoubtedly that this was the car for you? You took it on a test drive. You needed to see it in action - experience it for yourself.
This is the identical process we’re bringing to life for your clients.
Bring your message and your story to life in such a way that it eliminates doubt, eliminates skepticism, eliminates the need to shout at the top of your lungs how great you are (even shouting doesn’t make people believe what you’re saying).
Here’s the bottom line - you want to transition your brand into a brand that not only tells powerful stories, but a brand that brings those same stories to life.
By doing this, you stop relying on your audience to understand by hearing/reading your words alone. Instead you provide the visuals for them to experience what you’re saying. In the exact way you want them to experience it.
If you notice, this is what I did by introducing you to the concept of “Start with Why.”
I showed you the presentation (which is still powerful by itself), but I also gave you an opportunity to experience the concept being applied to something as simple as a musical performance.
One more thing…
I wrote a book to show you how to create your own Dramatic Demonstration of Proof.
To learn more about it or to purchase a copy, click here.